Summer is here and another round of Beginners Photography Classes is about to start in June. I always love teaching this time of year because there is such beautiful weather for practicing. I’ve spent the last 5 years teaching hundreds of beginner photographers how to take control of their cameras and think like a pro […]
FREE dslr JUMPSTART Video Training Series
Promotion, Uncategorized, Video Series | No Comments
The FREE dslr JUMPSTART Video Training Series is here! I am so happy you’re here and excited to share these helpful videos with you! If you’re ready to jump into digital photography, but you’re not quite sure where to start or even what kind of camera to get, then this dslr JUMPSTART series is perfect […]
In Person Beginners Photography Class at Kristin Tatem Studio | Lexington, Ky
In-person classes | No Comments
Join us for the Spring BPC! Join us at the new Kristin Tatem Photography studio for 5 hours of interactive teaching and learning, hands on shooting and everything you need to know to start taking better pictures in ONE DAY! Sign up HERE NOW!!! The in-person BEGINNERS PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS has limited seating…and you won’t want […]
4 Foolproof Tips for First Day of School Photos!
Tutorials | No Comments
It’s back to school time again! That first day of school can be a little chaotic getting everyone dressed, fed and out the door on time, let alone trying to take a picture before you leave! Here are my 4 foolproof tips for easy and painless First Day of School Photos! 1. Scope out an […]
Beach Photography Tips
Tutorials | No Comments
Q: “What tips do you have for beach photos? My family is headed to beach and we want to get the kids together for some informal beach pictures. Any basic pointers? Or just shoot away? lol” A: This is a popular question and chances are you might be headed to the beach this summer too, […]
Sign up for the IN-PERSON Class NOW!
Uncategorized | No CommentsAre YOU ready for this!? The most anticipated in-person class of the year is just around the corner!! 5 hours of interactive teaching and learning, hands on shooting, and everything you need to know to start taking better pictures in ONE DAY! Sign up HERE NOW!! The in-person BEGINNERS PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS happens just 3-4 times a […]
Behind the Scenes of a Fashion Shoot // Seersucker and Saddles
In-person classes, Tutorials | No CommentsAt first glance, it doesn’t look light much, but this little nook is actually quite amazing and never disappoints. The way the natural light funnels and diffuses through the alley creates amazing light for portraits. When I am scouting locations, I always look for good light first. This is aways what is most important to […]
Want to know my camera settings?
Tutorials | No CommentsHappy Monday! I secretly love Mondays. The house is quiet and it’s a chance to get ramped up for the week ahead. When I first started on my photography journey, I remember wanting to pull my hair out and saying, “why won’t someone just tell me what settings to use!” What I came to […]
How To Improve Your Photography In One Day!
In-person classes | No CommentsIt’s time for another in-person class. Registration is now open for the June 28th Beginners Photography Class! Each year, in addition to our online photography classes that can be taken 24/7, we have a handful of in-person photography classes in Lexington, KY. These in-person classes are where I fell in love with teaching photography. It’s so fun to […]
BPC Live Class Recap // pt. 2
In-person classes | No CommentsYesterday I shared pictures and testimonials from our recent LIVE Beginners Photography Class. Today, I am sharing images taken during the hands on shooting portion of the class, that was a new addition in 2014. Not only was it a gorgeous day at Greenbrier Golf & Country Club, but fashion blogger, Seersucker and Saddles + […]