Want to know my camera settings?

Happy Monday!  I secretly love Mondays.  The house is quiet and it's a chance to get ramped up for the week ahead.

When I first started on my photography journey, I remember wanting to pull my hair out and saying, "why won't someone just tell me what settings to use!"   What I came to realize is that there are no magical camera settings.  The settings used are completely dependent on the light you have to work with and the desired image you want to create.

This week, on the Beginners Photography Class Facebook page, I will be sharing a Photo a Day, including all my manual setting and the lens used for each photo.  

Make sure we are friends on Facebook to follow along!

Todays [Photo of the Day]

Manual Settings: 1/250 sec; f/2.2; ISO 640
Lens: 50.0 mm f/1.4


Make sure to follow along and let us know if you want us to continue this series! 

To learn more about getting your camera off auto and how to master manual settings, check out the Beginners Photography Class!

Registration just opened up for the next in-person Beginners Photography Class on June 28th in Lexington, KY.  Click here to learn more and register! 

Online classes are offered year round at www.beginnersphotographyclass.com 


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